The Clear Benefits Of Glass Dildos

Can we just say how frickin obsessed we are with our glass toys?! Other than being visually-pleasing, there’s so many benefits of using something so hard & smooth!
1. Temperature Play
Glass retains heat or cold really well due to their material. Did you know that temperature play heightens your sensations? Especially when you go cold, it puts your nerve endings on high alert, increasing stimulation and pleasure. While a warm dildo can help to relax your vaginal muscles!
Be sure to test the temperature on your forearm first to make sure it's safe for insertion.
2. Can Be Used With All Lubes
No more destroying your precious vibrators with the wrong lube, glass toys are safe to use will ALL lubes! Be it water-based, oil-based or silicone-based, use whichever lube you already have on hand. Also, since glass is sinfully smooth and nonporous, very little lube is required to make them glide right in.
3. Sinfully Smooth & Hard
Glass glides. In and out. Easily. Which makes it a great alternative for people who experience pain or discomfort with penetrative sex or other toys. It's hardness means you can pinpoint and control the pressure making it excellent for the G-spot or P-spot which requires a firm touch for stimulation.
4. Body-safe
Glass dildos are typically made with high-quality borosilicate glass that is shatter-resistant, is non-porous and hypoallergenic making it one of the safest materials out there. It can be even be sterilised in a dishwasher for extra hygiene!
If silicone toys causes you irritation, we strongly suggest experimenting with glass!
5. An Art In Itself
They are clearly a work of art with their beautiful organic shapes and forms. Leave a discreet-looking one out on your shelf and none would be the wiser.