5 Easy Tips to Wash & Store Your Sex Toys

Sex toys are an excellent and fun addition to your sex life, both in solo and couple play. But you know what’s not fun? Not being able to upkeep your favourite pleasure massager to its pristine condition or worse, be at risk of an infection or introducing bacteria to your sensitive region due to poor washing, sanitising or storing.
Normally every toy comes with a cleaning or care instruction in its packaging. But if you’ve already tossed away the packaging in excitement to get down and naughty, fret not. Here are 5 best tips for you to keep your sex toys, safe and performing at its best each time.
1. Remove any batteries before wash
If your sex toy comes with batteries, always remember to remove any batteries before wash. You can never be sure if water might leak into your device and damage it due to the corrosion of liquid and dangerous chemicals in the batteries - we know that electric stimu-play is a fetish but trust us, this isn’t the way to go.
Do also practice proper battery storage by keeping batteries in a cool, dry place at normal room temperature. Reuse them only when your sex toy is completely dry and ready for it’s next round.
2. Run sex toy(s) under water
For the best hygiene practice, washing your toys normal running water or luke warm water before and after use will help to keep your sex toys last better for longer. Some might recommend that boiling your toy may be a good choice but this method may also degrade, discolour or damage your motor in the long run.
This is with exception to leather toys. Do not soak them and avoid running them under water as as its material's permeable nature doesn't dry quickly enough, leaving it stiff and hard. You could however simply wipe it down with a 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol solution to disinfect it.
3. Rinse Toy Thoroughly & Soap
While you maybe tempted to use a fancy scented soap for your precious toy to leave it smelling fresh, it can actually have the reverse effect for your genitals as it may leave residues that irritates it. You can use an anti-bacterial soap if you are mindful but using a mild, unscented hand or even dish soap can neutralise any bacteria and won't harm the material of your sex toys.
4. Store & Keep Your Sex Toys Dry
After washing, pat sex toy(s) dry with a soft clean towel, leave it to air dry and avoid direct sunlight. Ensure that sex toy(s) are completely dry before putting them away to store or to recharge.
If you are storing more than one sex toy, do not rest/ stack them together. Prevent toys from touching each other by separating them with a clean cloth and store them in a dust-free place or them might end up sticking to each other.
5. You Can Never Be too Careful (Optional)
Using a sex toy cleaner which contains safe ingredients & anti-bacterial agents that won't mess with your body's PH balance is the best option to keeping your toys clean and your body safe!
As an extra caution, before storing away your toys, you can also swab sex toys with isopropyl alcohol that you can easily get from your drug stores and cotton wool to be extra safe.
If you chose to do this step, once again, be sure to air dry your toys before storing them away for it’s next mission. Most importantly make sure to keep your toys back individually into it's own satin pouch (that it came with) and avoid stacking or letting your toys touch one another, silicone to silicone. This will help to maintain the integrity of your pleasure toy and extend its shelf life. Now go on, have fun, play safe and own your pleasure today!