5 Reasons Why Being Vulnerable Is So Empowering

Oftentimes, feeling vulnerable is something we try to avoid at all costs. After all, vulnerability can make us feel exposed and at risk of being judged or hurt. There's a common misconception that to be vulnerable is to be weak, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
While your comfort zone may feel safe, it doesn't make you feel strong. When you break boundaries, and truly let yourself feel vulnerable; that is when you will feel the most empowered. When it comes to self-love, relationships, and your career, the rewards can be tremendous once you start to embrace your vulnerability. In this article, we'll give you 5 reasons why being vulnerable can be so empowering.
1. It opens the door to new opportunities
Have you ever had an idea that you were passionate about at work, but you chose not to share it with anyone in case they didn't approve? In situations like this, we often hold back our truth as a defence mechanism. Sadly, what we're really doing is putting up walls where we could have been opening doors to exciting new possibilities. Your workplace should encourage vulnerability because new ideas lead to innovation. Not every idea needs to be incredible, which is why you should share them all. You never know which one could lead to something brilliant.
2. It enables us to form meaningful connections with others
Being vulnerable is a way to connect with others on an emotional level - whether it's about yourself, your work, or something that you're passionate about. It forces us to be authentic and honest, which always leads to deeper and more meaningful connections. Fear of rejection could hold you back from asking someone out or telling a love interest how you really feel.
By putting your heart on the line and being vulnerable, confronting feelings that we often put on the back burner because we are too busy worrying about everyone else's feelings but our own, you could be opening the door to a beautiful new relationship with someone special.
3. It can improve our mental health and wellbeing
When you choose to express your emotions, fears, and struggles with others, you are making yourself vulnerable. While it might feel scary at first, having the courage to share those feelings may help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. We often feel trapped in our own minds, which is why it can feel so liberating and empowering to be vulnerable with a friend or therapist and let those feelings out.
4. It can improve intimacy and increase pleasure
Sex is already such a vulnerable act that requires so much trust and respect between both partners. Sometimes, we hold ourselves back from experiencing incredible amounts of pleasure. Whether it’s because we’re uncomfortable in our skin, afraid to voice our desires, or too nervous to try something new, we ultimately are missing out on how exhilarating it can feel to completely surrender ourselves with a trusted partner. Be vulnerable and open to trying new things and you may surprise yourself with just how powerful you feel.
5. It can improve your confidence and self-love
You might be surprised to find that your vulnerability can help you to develop your confidence and self-love. When we share our vulnerabilities, we let go of a lot of our insecurities. Your self-talk moves from a place of doubt and fear to feelings of pride and courage as you continue to push past your comfort zone.
5. Embrace vulnerability and feel empowered
There will always be some growing pains as you start to be more vulnerable but with that discomfort comes immense growth and strength.
In the wise words of Brené Brown
“The definition of Vulnerability is uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. But vulnerability is not weakness, it's our most accurate measure of courage!”
Don't let the fear of embarrassment, rejection, or judgment hold you back from embracing vulnerability through all aspects of your life Hedonistas! There is nothing more empowering than living your most authentic life to the fullest.