Ways You Didn't Know You Could Get STI Without Having Sex - STI's Explained

(Image: ndawards.net)
What Are STDs And STIs, And Can They Be Cured?
A sexually transmitted infection (STI) occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria from an infected individual enters their partner’s body and begins to multiply. If left untreated, these infections can grow into more severe diseases (STDs) that may require more intensive treatment. In the early development stages, most STIs don't have any symptoms, which is why many people are unaware that they're infected and continue to participate in sexual activities. Many cases are left undiagnosed and untreated if the person shows no symptoms at all.
The more well-known and common STIs / STDs are listed below:
- Gonorrhoea
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis A, B, and C
- Herpes
- Chlamydia
- Genital warts
While most of these are curable, Herpes, HIV, HPV, and Hepatitis B have no known cures. They can, however, be managed with the use of medication and treatment by a medical professional.
5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Tested For STDs
I. You Can Have an Undiagnosed STD Without Any Symptoms
The stigma around STDs puts many sexually active adults at risk of infection. Because of the stigma, many people prefer not to discuss the topic of sexually transmitted diseases and put others at risk by choosing not to get tested. There is no shame in catching an STI, as it’s no different than catching a cold. However, the issue lies with the lack of symptoms. When you feel sick, you self-quarantine to avoid infecting others. With an STI, it can take days to show symptoms, if you get them at all. Many people are unaware of this fact and continue to enjoy sex without knowing they could be infecting others. If you’ve had unprotected sex, it’s best to be proactive and get a test. Don’t wait for symptoms that may never appear.
II. Mutual Respect Between You and Your Sexual Partner
Before engaging in sexual activities with a partner, you should both get tested ahead of time. While you should always practice safe sex, it’s even more important if you both decide not to get tested beforehand. Just because neither one of you currently have symptoms doesn’t mean that neither of you are carriers. It’s best to protect each other and any of your future partners by getting tested first.
III. An Untreated STD Can Be Life-threatening
While not all STDs are life-threatening, many of them can run the risk of developing serious complications if left untreated. While some STIs may never develop into something serious for one individual, they can develop into extremely harmful diseases for someone else. By getting tested, you can reduce your risk of complications and prevent the continued spreading of STIs.
IV. Enjoy Peace of Mind
If you’re sexually active, getting routine testing will give you peace of mind. You won’t constantly wonder if you’re infected, and it’s the responsible thing to do. You’ll have a clean conscience knowing that you are not putting any of your sexual partners at risk.
V. You Plan To Have Unprotected Sex
When entering a committed relationship, many couples choose to forgo condoms. Even if you’ve been using protection for months, have been exclusive during that time, and both lack any signs of infection, it’s best to get tested first. Getting tested together ensures that you’re both free of any infections before you start having unprotected sex.
There are sexual health clinics in Singapore that offer STD testings that are safe, discreet and LGBT+ friendly.
STIs are very common, and anyone can get them. It may not sound like a very sexy conversation to have but it’s much better to be honest with yourself and your sexual partner to have a memorable and pleasurable sexual experience together.